Friday, February 17, 2012

happy birthday Isabel

Today is Isabel's birthday. 7 years ago today I became a mom. And like most parents, I don't know where the time has gone. We celebrated with a trip to the American Girl Store where we spent way too much money on tiny food and tiny clothes and even tiny glasses (why her doll needs glasses is beyond me). But just like a MasterCard commercial, her infectious smile and adorable giggles were priceless... And for everything else, there's Grandma (x2 because they both came along). We closed the day with most of our family spoiling her with gifts and hugs and so much love. It was perfect. In honor of the day, I'm going to share with you my top 10 moments with Isabel. 10. Watching her ride her bike without training wheels for the first time. 9. Going with her to pick up our first Safe Families placement, and hearing her bubble over with joy all the way home. 8. Catching her in my arms as she would sprint to me after a long day in kindergarten. 7. Watching her splash around in the ocean for the first time while we were in Sydney. 6. Picking out ridiculously large treats and watching the parade at DisneyWorld 5. Taking an impromptu nap on the couch by the Christmas tree when she was a baby. 4. Watching Isabel cheer Sofi to take her first steps (which she took arms outstretched for her big sister). 3. Holding both girls as they met for the first time, and watching as Isabel (who was 14 mo) handed her new baby sister her beloved pacifier. 2. Hearing the doctor say, "It's a girl!" 1. Being there to pray with her when she accepted Jesus as her savior. I am so grateful for my not so little girl. She loves me so deeply that it takes my breath away. And I am just over the moon for her. She gives the best hugs, has magical powers to take away my headaches (it's true) and always knows where my keys and cell phone are. She tells me she loves me all the time, in sweet and silly and sometimes just "break out the Kleenex box" ways. How did I get so lucky? Tonight as I stood back and watched our family singing Happy Birthday in their loud, crazy, "I'm adding my own harmony in mock-opera style" voices I was reminded of that moment when Matt went out to the waiting room to announce to our family that we had a daughter and I could hear them all cheering wildly from down the hall. 7 years later, loud and crazy as ever, they are still celebrating my little girl (who is completely worth it of course). And all I could think was, "my cup runneth over." Happy Birthday Bella-boo.

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