Monday, February 6, 2012

managers wanted

I've had this amazing epiphany over the past few weeks as our church, from kindergarteners to senior citizens, has taken a closer look at what God's Word has to say about Generosity.  I've heard many times that everything I have is God's, and to an extent I get that.  I can wrap my mind around it, and on occasion even my heart, although too often my selfish tendencies rise up and scream in a high pitched toddler voice "that's mine!!!!!"   But here's my epiphany: God has given me the task of managing His resources.  And as I am wise and responsible with those resources, He will grant me the privilege of managing more of His resources.  This is different from the concept of "everything is God's...and if I handle God's stuff nicely, He'll give me more."  Because He doesn't just promise to bless me for my own sake, but for His purpose - which is often to bless others.  And the light bulb turns on.

Since our girls are also learning about generosity, we have had tremendous opportunities to discuss as a family what we are learning and how God is working in our hearts.  Tonight at the dinner table, the girls shared with us that in Kids World (our church's children's ministry program) they learned about sacrifice.  "And not like sacrificing animals (yuck!)".  But sacrificing what's important to you to help someone else.  Isabel chimed in, "like today when I chose to ride the bus with Sofi!"
    Backtrack.....  a few weeks ago, the girls were consistently forgetting to look both ways when crossing the street.  Threats didn't work.  Typical consequences didn't work.  Gruesome tales of getting squashed by oncoming traffic didn't work (just kidding).  So we decided they needed "extra practice."  Until they were able to cross the street after looking both ways for 10 days, mom wouldn't be offering rides to school (an occasional privilege the girls look forward to).  Isabel was 10 for 10, but Sofi forgot a few days into it and had to start over again.  Which brings us to today, when Isabel had earned the privilege of catching a ride with mom while Sofi had to take the bus.  Isabel, not being able to bear her sister's tears, sacrificed the extra time with mom and rode the bus with Sofi today.

We talked about the Macedonians - a group of people in the Bible who were extremely poor AND yet also extravagant givers (check out what Paul has to say about them in 2 Corinthians 8:2 "Out of the most severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity."  Wow!).  The girls shared how they had learned that these people LOVED to give and they were so happy.  So I asked the girls how it felt to sacrifice, to be generous with others.  And they both chimed in that "it's so much fun!!!"  (as they said this, Isabel literally jumped out of her chair and twirled around the kitchen.  In her leotard and tutu of course - isn't that what most people wear around there house?!?)  As they recounted times our family has sacrificed for others, they did so not with proud or self-righteous hearts, but with true childlike joy and excitement.  Let me tell you, there is no greater joy than watching God work in the hearts of your children.

As dinner went on, Matt and I shared what we had learned in our Community Group, and the challenge we had been given this week to put people in front of things.  Matt had already told the girls that he was putting away all tech (ipod, ipad, laptop, etc) when he came home each evening, so he could enjoy family time more.  And I shared with the girls how I LOVE sleep, and so sometimes I sleep in a bit and then end up rushing around in the morning.  Not this week -  I'm setting my alarm earlier each day to create more peace in our mornings, and the girls excitedly added that I'll be able to eat breakfast with them each day.

So we're all exploring the idea of sacrifice this week, and what it truly means to put people in front of things.  And really, if the "things" in our life are God's, how hard is it to sacrifice them?  If God can lay His resources in our hands, I think we can lay them aside now and again for the sake of others.

Fast forward to bedtime, and Isabel had managed to earn some extra shuteye tonight (she didn't see it that way), with a little help from her attitude (1st graders, sheesh!).  She was creating great drama about having to go to bed before Sofi, and before I knew it, Sofi had offered to go to bed early with her sister.  She told me she was sacrificing her extra time to make Isabel feel better, just like Isabel had sacrificed for her this morning. There's nothing like a 5 year old teaching you that you just can't out-give God :)

So how about you?  How will you better manage God's resources this week?  I'd love to hear your ideas!

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