Confession #2: I have yet to write in or give the birthday girl her birthday card. I bought one - it's very cute and has The Very Hungry Caterpillar on it. But I have no idea where it is.
Confession #3: I commit the aforementioned crime pretty much every year. For whatever reason, I always manage to purchase, write a note in, and give a birthday card to my oldest daughter Isabel on her birthday. And for whatever reason, I simply can't pull it together and do the same for Sofi.
So now you know the truth. I am a failure in the birthday card department. At least for Sofi. Is there a support group for that?
On with the tribute...
What's a Sofi-ism, you ask?
Webster defines it as "A clever, quirky, or profound statement made by Sofi, often characterized by its ability to make the listener burst into laughter."
Ok, Webster didn't come up with that definition, I did. But it is nonetheless accurate. I compiled some of my favorite Sofi-isms over the years and put them into a book that we gave away for Christmas. It's so hard to choose, but here are 10 of the best:
10. So there were these 10 men who were sick... I think they were called tigers... and they were on their way to see... I think he was called the emperor... and Jesus healed them and only one came running back. (age 3)
9. Guevara is Spanish for Disco Dance (age 3).
8. Isabel: why do you always get to be the princess? Sofi: because I don't make a very good servant. You make a great servant (age 4).
7. Do you know what I'm attracted to? I'm attracted to yaks! (age 4)
6. I'm all about meat and God. (age 4)
5. It's only hopeless when you give up. (age 5)
6. Mom, are we doing that crack-pot today? ~she meant crock pot~ (age 5)
5. Drinking a shake is like a teeth massage (age 5)
4. Alone shouldn't even be a word, because you're never alone. God is always with you! (age 5)
3. (to Isabel): It doesn't matter how much money you have, it matters how much you give away. (age 5)
2. You should never say never if forever is real. (age 5)
1. We need to help people see themselves the way God sees them. Because God never un-sees anybody. He sees everyone! (age 5)
I told you that girl is funny! And wise beyond her years. Her name means "wisdom" which suits her perfectly.
Confession #4: The day I found out I was pregnant with Sofi was one of the most difficult days of my life. This is very hard for me to admit out loud (or via internet waves). It's one of those ugly little secrets I'd like to forget and not tell a soul. Ever. So if you're one of those perfect parents that jostles a whole herd of babies without breaking a sweat, please don't judge. If you're one of those struggling parents who often feels overwhelmed, feel free to commiserate and read on because there's a happy ending.
Yes, I believed that every life was a gift, blah blah blah... But I was barely holding things together, with a 6 month old who would scream for hours on end and refused to be put down for more then a millisecond. We were strapped financially, the church that employed both Matt and I was struggling, excuses, excuses, excuses. So rather than jump for joy over that positive pregnancy test, I burst into tears. I can't tell you how deeply I regret that day and the days that followed, not for the changes they made in my life, but for the flaws they revealed in my character. I wanted to be in control, I wanted my life to fit into this neat little plan filled with picket fences and the family dog and perfect children spaced 3 years apart. So I wasted days and months and even a couple of years wallowing in a pity party over my ruined plans, and I'm not just talking about a positive pregnancy test here. 6 years later, and I'm not sure I would even recognize a single detail of my 5 year plan, let alone be able to check it off.
6 years later, I couldn't care less.
Because if there's anything that having Sofi 14 months after I had her sister has taught me, it's that God's plans make my plans look ridiculous. Hindsight being 20/20 and all that, I love having 2 kids so close in age. In fact, if I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't change a thing.
My stinky attitude excluded.
Seriously, was she not the cutest little chubby baby ever? |
I tell Sofi all the time that she's my favorite surprise, and it's the truth. She is a constant reminder to me that I am so much better off leaving the plans to God. I haven't arrived yet, but I can honestly say that today, 6 years later, I have learned to embrace change as a blessing. I have grown to look at the "surprises" that God sends my way as an exciting sign that there are better things to come.
So Happy Birthday Sofi. I am so lucky to be your Mommy!
Nothing says "happy birthday" like a twinkle light tent ;) Sweet dreams birthday girl! |
Love Sofi's sayings!