Monday, April 2, 2012

Recipe: The Perfect Spring Break

One of my favorite things about being a teacher (even if it's just part-time) is being able to enjoy each and every school holiday.  It's totally worth the depressing smaller paycheck to have the long and dreary monotony of a day-to-day schedule broken up by lazy holidays.  And I just love having my girls home and all to myself for a few days.  Sure, they drive me crazy with their ungodly incredible amounts of energy and the frequent bouts of squabbling and tattling (what is it with kids and the irresistible urge to heap trouble on their siblings?!).  But between the mayhem and conflict are beautiful moments where they are caught up in their imaginations and I can't help but grin like a crazy person as they roll around in fits of laughter or lose themselves in the world of Pretend... where anything is possible, as long as you have some free time and a few props - preferably ones with ruffles and sparkles and lots of accessories :)

This week Matt took some time off as well, and it's been a wonderful respite from what has been an insanely stressful couple of weeks.  We've had the chance to adjust to being a family of 5, and I feel like God has timed this mini-vacation so perfectly for us.  While I would love to be in some warm and tropical place right now, listening to waves rolling onto the shore and soaking up some sun, this week has been as perfect as a Mid-Western spring vacation can be.  So I've been making some mental notes, storing away in my forgetful brain all the things that make for a perfect Spring Break so I can repeat them all next year. Unless we end up in some warm and tropical place by some miracle, in which case I'll have to adjust.

Here's what I've come up with... (in no particular order, because it's Spring Break and I am anti-order)

 - Stay up late, whatever that is for you, getting lost in a good book or drowning out reality with some entertaining and completely unrealistic television.

- Sleep in late, whatever that is for you.  You'll have to train all members of your family for this mission.  Since our girls were 3, we've had a clock in their room and instructed them not to wake up until the clock reads (insert "late" number.)  They are free to fool us into thinking they are asleep when they are actually playing quietly in their beds.  Sofi figured out how to outsmart us at the age of 3 by setting the clock ahead 1 hour and bringing it to my room.  We duct taped the clock and nipped that right in the bud (girly is too smart for her own good!)  It also helps to have a husband who wakes up responsibly ridiculously early and doesn't mind corralling the children away from your room.  Which reminds me, I just love Matt like crazy!

 - Assuming you also love your husband like crazy, get a babysitter and go out!  We went to see Hunger Games.  It was fabulous.

- Do something fun and spontaneous and out of the ordinary - we decided to go ice skating.  Not a typical spring activity, but still fun.

 - Take naps.  If you are so inclined, invite one of your kids to join you.  For me personally, there is nothing more relaxing then snuggling up with one of your favorite little people and falling asleep in the middle of the day.  There is something about the sound of their breathing and their warm little selves all curled up next to me that is an instant de-stressor.  Providing they cooperate and actually sleep, of course.

 - Make some brownies and eat too many of them.  Brownies are my drug.  Feel free to replace with whatever works for you.  But brownies (with chocolate frosting) are the best.  Enlist your little helpers and don't forget to let them lick the batter (as if they'd let you).

 - Let the kids stay up late.  This will also help with the sleeping in.  There is something deliriously wonderful about forgetting what the clock says and just doing what you want when you want.

 - Send your kids on a scavenger hunt.  It requires minimal effort on your part, and what kid doesn't love a scavenger hunt.  I made a Rhyme Time hunt for the girls this morning and they were so excited.  Plus it was educational - bonus!

- Spend time with your girl friends.  There is something about a little grown-up-girl-time that is just fantastic.

 - Bring the kids over to grandma's.  Because every child deserves to be spoiled by someone who adores them unabashedly and because it's nice to hang out with your own mom, too. 

- Go on a picnic.  Preferably not when it's 45 degrees and windy, which is what we did.  Let your kids roll down a big hill and don't worry about grass stains or how it will feel to crash onto the gravel path below.  Kids are tougher than we often parent them to be.

I love the look on her face in this picture - is there anything more beautiful than a laughing child?

 - Have a balloon popping contest.  It's a great way to dispose of post-birthday balloon clutter and it's hilarious to watch the kids sitting/bouncing around on balloons while simultaneously trying to plug their ears.  I'm laughing just thinking about it.

 -  Don't make plans.  Instead, have loose ideas of what you could do, maybe, if you have the energy and the kiddos are being cooperative.

 - Take time to enjoy the little things - like a sunset, the fresh spring air, and the feel of your child's hand holding on to your own.  Don't you wish you could freeze moments like this?  


For those of you heading back to school and work this week - I hope you have a smooth re-entry! (ours was quite bumpy this morning, sigh...).  For those of you who haven't had spring break yet, I hope it's amazing!  And for those of you who don't get a spring break, my heartfelt condolences.  Just kidding!  There's always the weekend - why don't we treat them more like "mini Spring Breaks" and make the most of them?!

What is your recipe for the perfect spring break?  Please share your ideas with the rest of us!  

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