I've had that feeling more than a few times lately, as we've been going back and forth between doctors and clinics and labs trying to find out why our oldest daughter Isabel has this swollen lymph node hanging out on her neck. She's had 2 rounds of blood work, which have revealed what she doesn't have which is not very helpful as it turns out. So the next step is to get her in for a CT scan. The best case scenario is that she's just fighting some unknown virus and her neck will return to its regularly scheduled programming in time. And we won't even go to the worse case scenario. But even if it's nothing serious, it's taking it's toll on my little girl. She has been all out of sorts lately and finally the other day she broke down and tears streaming down her face told me that she's just so tired of doctors and blood tests and she's worried about it all and she just wants to be done. This child has seen more than her fair share of needles and specialists in her 7 years of life. When she was little, she complained of tummy aches as soon as she had the words to do so. Often it was so bad she wouldn't eat, and so for about 2 years she went through rounds of tests and doctor visits and tried all sorts of medications before the doctor finally ruled it as anxiety. A handful of visits to a counselor and finally she started to get better. It's really only been about a year now that she's been mostly free from the pain, and we tease her about how much she eats...and eats and eats... but every time she clears her plate and asks for seconds I do an internal happy dance, because I know that it means she's not in pain. So it just feels unfair that we're back to this life of doctor visits and tests and unknowns again. And while it's my job as her mom to be strong and comforting and reassuring, the truth is I'm tired and just want to be done, too. I don't want to have to hold her still while they poke and prod. I don't want to decide if they should scan her or cut her open or wait and hope it gets better and not worse. I would rather nag her about cleaning her room, or take her to gymnastics, or worry about whether or not she has enough sunscreen on - normal, blissfully unaware mom stuff.
In the midst of all this, I find myself facing the question, "What is God trying to do in her life?" Romans 8:28 says that "we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." So how is God working in Isabel's life? As I sat with her and held her as she cried and expressed her frustration in all of this I was reminded of the verse that says "You hem me in - behind and before; You have laid your hand upon me." (Psalm 139:5) And as I shared that verse with her, reminding her that God goes before her and behind her, that He is with her and all around her, she became less anxious and fearful. We read through the rest of Psalm 139 together, prayed to our Heavenly Father, and in that moment I grasped the second part of that verse - "You have laid your hand upon me." Sitting there, with my little girl in my lap, I knew that no matter what, God's hand was upon me. And while I don't know where this path leads, I know that God goes before us. I don't understand why we've experienced what is behind us, but God is there, too. Though I don't always like the things I go through, and I may hate the things my daughter goes through, I am amazed at the way God works for the good of us both. I am so proud of who she is, and I know it's because of who God is shaping her to be.
I don't know if it's cultural or generational, but it seems that what most parents today want for their children is for them to be happy. So they run around buying them things and enrolling them in activities and more or less making life as pleasant as possible. Experts tell us that in the long run this will make your child miserable because one day they'll wake up and realize that life isn't fair and things don't always go their way and they won't be able to cope. Now while I don't like my children to experience pain, I know from my own life experiences that it is often in times of trial that we are closest to God. And that this process of shaping and molding me into the image of Christ involves some discomfort and seems unpleasant at times, even downright miserable on occasion. But when I emerge from these more difficult times, I always look back knowing that God has done some of His best work and I wouldn't have it any other way.
A few days ago, this is where this post ended. I didn't publish it because it felt unfinished, like there was a piece missing. I knew there was something else God was trying to teach me, and so I clicked the Save button and waited, not so patiently I might add.
I sat in church yesterday listening to a man in his 90s tell of his life in the military where his plane crashed and he spent weeks on a life raft in the open sea only to be "rescued" by the Japanese who made his life as a POW miserable. He shared how God rescued and redeemed him. And he shared 2 verses that have helped him not only survive but heal and forgive. The first verse was the one I shared earlier from Romans. Hearing that verse just confirmed a piece of what I knew God was teaching me - that He can and will bring good from all of this and I need to trust Him. The second verse was Philippians 4:12-13:
"I know what it is to be in need and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through Him who gives me strength."
And like so many times before and times to come, I felt that tug, that still small voice, and it was asking me, "Are you content?" I'd like to share with all of you that the answer to that question is "yes." That my faith is so unwavering, my relationship with Jesus so consuming, that I can say that I have arrived. But the truth is, this faith journey that I am on is a process, and sometimes it's 2 steps forward and 1 step back. There are times where this path is wide and open and putting one foot in front of the other is simple, while other times it's like walking a tightrope, where one foot in front of the other seems like an unsurmountable task. I am not naturally a content person - I like to be in control, I tend to worry, and I am constantly looking towards the future instead of living in the moment. God has been hard at work in my life and I have made progress, but right now it's back to square one. It's one thing to be content with my own life, accept my own struggles and hardships and trust in God. But it's another thing to be content with my daughter's pain and suffering. And deep down, I struggle to face the question of whether or not I could be content if my daughter was not ok. I don't believe that God is asking me to be content in the sense that I am happy or nonchalantly accepting of this situation. I believe, however, that God is challenging me to be content in the sense that I trust Him with this situation, no matter its outcome, knowing that He will work all things for good, that He will go before and behind, that He has laid His hand upon us.
I cannot say that I am completely content, but I can tell you that I am in the process of becoming so. That I am practicing obedience, that I am putting my trust in God, that I am only able to do so by His strength. I love how when God calls us to something, He doesn't expect us to get their on our own. He is as much in the journey as He is in the destination. Regardless of whether the path is wide or narrow, God walks with me and we go forward, one foot in front of the other.
In what areas in your life do you need to practice contentment? How have you recognized God's presence going before and behind you?
Look at her go - maybe she could give me a few lessons... |
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