Monday, July 16, 2012

Please and Thank You

 I'll try to make this brief - I have one kiddo down for the night and the other two are waiting for snuggles (a key ingredient in the recipe for a good night's sleep).  But I have been so blessed and encouraged by all the prayers that have gone up in Isabel's behalf so I wanted to update you all on the latest and greatest news.

We went back to the ENT today, who went over the results from Isabel's CT scan as well as options for the next step.  Basically, the CT didn't show anything definitive, which is good and bad.  Good because it didn't show anything bad or ominous, bad because it still leaves unanswered questions.  Like why does she have a giant lymph node (official diagnosis; actually I think it's giantus lymph nodicus)?  And what the heck are we supposed to do about it?  But never fear, options were presented.  I'm going to not only give you not only the medical options, but the "crazy mom" version of the options, just to be honest about my paranoia concerns.  Option 1: wait and see what happens, and recheck in a month.   During which I will sit around and hope that this lymph node isn't spreading nasty disease ridden cells throughout my daughter's body.  Option 2: Get a tonsillectomy, during which they would insert a needle into the lymph node to get a closer look at the cells which could tell them something... or nothing at all.  Basically put my kid through yet another medical procedure that could cure her or simply torture her until the next procedure.  Option 3: Do surgery to remove the lymph node, which would leave a scar on her neck, and there's all the risks of surgery plus the risk of hitting the nerve that controls her smile.  At which point if (hopefully) the results show there is nothing wrong with her, I will literally be the mom that scarred her kid for life.  And made it medically impossible for her to smile.  Thank God he also gave us an escape door by referring us to a Pediatric ENT at Children's Memorial who we will be consulting for a 2nd opinion.  When we asked the doctor for his advice regarding surgery, he told us that the only way to know if it's lymphoma is if they remove the lymph node and test it.  (did I mention that's what the concern is here?  Yeah, lymphoma.  It's not likely, but it's what they're watching for.  Flashback to all the horrific episodes of House where they threw out Hodgkins/Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma alongside diseases like Giamba Ray and Sarcoidosis.  I have no idea what those last 2 are but I'm so glad they aren't on the table!)  At which point, if the test comes back negative, we might feel bad that we did the surgery.  But if it comes back positive and she actually has lymphoma, we'll be really glad we did the surgery.  No pressure.  

So other than going to see the Peds ENT, I don't know what our next step will be.  We are praying for wisdom, and trusting God to give it to us.  He did promise it after all.  James 1:5 says that "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him."  So that's what we are asking for: wisdom as we evaluate these options, as we consider what is best for our daughter, as we rely on God to help us move forward in faith and not in fear.

Tonight at the dinner table we were doing the Home Front Weekly as a family, and the passage we read was the one in Philippians that I mentioned in my last post: Phil. 4:12-13.  God seems determined to remind me of Paul's words "I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation."  It's like He has a plan for me or something.  As we read the passage containing those verses we discussed how Paul was writing those words probably from prison awaiting his trial.  He was waiting for answers...just like we are waiting for answers, and yet he was content.  We talked about what it means to be content - to know and live in God's peace regardless of your circumstances.  And we talked about verse 6 which commands us "Do not be anxious about anything, (God knows Isabel pretty well, too!) but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."   Sort of a Biblical version of the magic words - Please and Thank You.  We talked about those words "with Thanksgiving" and why God chose to include them in His command.  Then we all prayed - with thanksgiving of course.  We thanked God for each other, for the blessings He has given us - a home, a family, health insurance that allows us to meet with incredible doctors.  Even our little 3 year old prayed "please God heal Isabel's neck and thank you for making her better."  Oh the faith of these little ones!  And in that moment, I think we all experienced contentment.  Peace that transcends understanding.  

We closed by reviewing the girls' verse from church for the month: Jeremiah 17:14 "Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for You are the one I praise."  I know, how perfect is that verse for the girls right now?  I'm telling you, this God of ours is pretty amazing!

The night ended with a fabulous dance party, which Isabel DJ'd while the other 2 girlies twirled away to their hearts content.  I'd say I have a lot to be thankful for.

Thanks again for all of you that are praying - please keep it up!  

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